We had a lovely Easter weekend full of family, friends, good food and I am still finding little colored speckles around the kitchen area left over from our egg coloring event. The boys are on Spring break this week which literally translates into me getting very little done that has to to with my own agenda. I am hoping to sneak into my studio for a bit here and there but I am not going to hold my breath. Instead my days this week will be filled with finger painting, baths...just for fun, walks in the forest preserve, counting geese on the pond, a few messy projects that require scissors, crayons and glue, a playdate or two, a few doctor appointments, and (oh Lord, Please) a few calorie burning minutes on the elliptical trainer.
This week I pray that my heals are tougher than the sharpest Lego, my ear drums able to withstand the loudest shrill, and Lord help me to remain calm when the whining exceeds usual and customary.
Not yet down from their sugar high... I think now is the time to bundle everyone up and head out for a walk... a really, really long walk in hopes of an afternoon nap. :) There is always something inspiring to be found in nature so the walk will be good for us all. May we all come back refreshed, refueled and full of new ideas.
I love that pictures of the flowers!
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